Thursday, June 29, 2023

How I plan to use my art materials

You may be aware that I have a lot of art materials.  In this blog post I made some ways I shall be using these materials. 

Crayola Colors of the world Crayons 

I shall be using them when I draw caricature of VIPs.

Staedtler Luna watercolor pencils 

I shall be using them in coloring my funny jokes cartoons.

Staedtler Mars Lumograph Drawing pencils 

This is a monochrome set of pencils and I shall be using them in monochrome portraits. 

Faber Castell polychromos pencils 

This is the 120 pencils set and I shall be using them in Google images drawing and in colored portraits. 

Brustro skin tone colored pencils 

This set is useful in drawing colored portraits. 

Mont Marte skin colored pencils 

Mont Marte skin colored pencils are different than either Faber Castell polychromos or Brustro skin tone colored pencils.  And these give a different feel to portraits.  I will be using them in colored portraits. 

Yissvic monochrome pencils set

These are essential when I practice for improvement. 

Artline Drawing system 

These gel pens are essential for drawing funny cartoons. 

Camlin poster colors 12

I might make plans for watercolor portraits.  These will be needed in that case.

Camlin oil pastels 50

These will be handy in poster making. I take part in poster making sometimes.  And these are essential. 

These are what I have. I have no more desire for more art colored materials. 

Have a great day and Happy Eid !!

Wednesday, June 28, 2023

To the point - 2023/06/29


"I don't think the other priests will agree to your offer of temple services.  Just knowing Sandhyavandhanam will not do. You need to know Vedas, Upanishads, Rudram and Vishnu sahasranamam at the least. However you can have free food during Annadhanam functions. "

A Google images drawing

This is what I managed using Brolaviya mobile stand and DaVinci eye app and Faber castell polychromos pencils. 

From this

Just 25 percent of the reality I expected. 

I shall make progress. In days to come. 

Tuesday, June 27, 2023

To the point - 2023/06/28


"My dear husband you get depressed so quickly.  And it is not correct that you expect me to get you on track and correct your depression.  Just give it a thought. "

Monday, June 26, 2023

S R Srinivasa Varadhan


Brustro Ochre Drawing Notebook 

Brolaviya mobile stand 

DaVinci eye app 

HB pencil 

Brustro skin tone colored pencils 

Faber Castell polychromos pencils 

To the point - 2023/06/27


"I am sorry to disturb you Sethji, like this. MD saab has sent me here to get 50 rupees from you. MD saab has to inaugurate a new section in our paper mill tomorrow.  He wants to buy scissors with your money for ribbon cutting ceremony.  That's why I am here. "

Sunday, June 25, 2023

To the point - 2023/06/26


"Quite frankly,  I never knew you wanted your promotion this badly !!"

Saturday, June 24, 2023

To the point - 2023/06/25


"Solutions baba, this man has a problem.  His wife is threatening to run with a neighbor whom she claims she loves. Also his wife is threatening to lodge a complaint with police that her husband is physically hitting her. What is the solution, Solution baba?"

"The problem is indeed gambhir.  Therefore I am showing my face. He can think of a suitable gift for his wife and the neighbor, in case they marry. Also he can mentally do simulation exercises of staying in jail , in case she chooses to complain to police."

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Faber Castell Polychromos

I have the Faber Castell polychromos pencils now. 120 shades at my house and perfection to aim for.

My plans

Perfection in portraits

Perfection in Google images drawing

I am indebted to the internet world for the pencils set. 

The finest pencils set I have now. You hoo !!!

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

To the point - 2023/06/20


"If you buy me the video game set that I asked,  not only will I be in good mood for studies; but my sister will also be able to study undisturbed when I play the game "

Thursday, June 8, 2023

M Karunanidhi


Brustro Ochre Drawing Notebook 

Brolaviya mobile stand 

DaVinci eye app 

HB pencil 

Brustro skin tone colored pencils 

Camlin oil pastels 

Wednesday, June 7, 2023

H D Devegowda


Brustro Ochre Drawing Notebook 

Brolaviya mobile stand 

DaVinci eye app 

HB pencil 

Brustro skin tone colored pencils 

Camlin oil pastels 

Monday, June 5, 2023

Nawazuddin Siddiqui


Brustro Ochre Drawing Notebook 

Brolaviya mobile stand 

DaVinci eye app 

HB pencil 

Brustro skin tone colored pencils 

Camlin oil pastels 

To the point - 2023/06/06


"Jaweribhai family is happy with its son. He has stayed away from family for two years working in hotels, restaurants and shops. He has given me 17,565 rupees too from his earnings. Our boy is promising. But I will not make him MD of Jaweribhai Industries. Instead he has to chart his own way and try to amalgamate into our group with business. "

Saturday, June 3, 2023

Drawing Prof C N R Rao again



I remain true to the planes of face and not true to photograph 



Ash grey

Beige grey



Development and finalization 


Beaver brown 




Fluorescent Yellow 


Cerulean blue

Prof. C N R Rao


Brustro Ochre Drawing Notebook 

Brolaviya mobile stand 

DaVinci eye app

HB pencil

Brustro skin tone colored pencils 

Doms colored pencils 

To the point - 2023/06/04


"I won't be able to oversee your men working on renovation of the temple. I don't have time with pooja, bhajans, satsang, alangaram and all, all the while. You need to hire someone, contractor"

Thursday, June 1, 2023

Sanya Malhotra


Brustro Ochre Drawing Notebook 

Brolaviya mobile stand 

DaVinci eye app 

HB pencil 

Mont Marte skin colored pencils 

Doms colored pencils 

To the point - 2023/06/02


"Panditji, I had prayed to this temple diety that if my company makes 50 lakhs profit, I shall offer 10000 rupees to the diety for religious purposes.  But my company made 25 lakhs profit. Should I offer 5000 rupees?"