Sunday, February 2, 2025

Drawings today

 A building

I plan to keep exterior facades of buildings to be simple. As I plan to be a comic artist.


I need to learn coloring in Clip Studio Paint. Self learning.

Are the drawings okay ?

Have a nice day !!

Drawings Today

 My bust of head, today

Swad Avakaya (Pickle)

I shall be trying to reach till Fresnel rings in my drawings. In years to come.

I shall try with all my internal golden ratio formulas, all the pi formulas, all my e formulas, all my mathematical abilities towards this objective of Fresnel rings level of drawing.

Shading -  slow cosine hatching for dark to light and extremely fast cosine hatching for light to dark

Comic - use of boxes at different perspective containing the 5 alphabets of drawing, namely sphere, cylinder, cone, cube and pyramids

Drawing - objects in front

Hands drawing - use of almost Biot-Savart law and almost Fleming's left hand rule with red cross set of vanishing points

I intend to work very hard, very well focussed.

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Laziness and Comfort to avoid seeing Fresnel Rings?

Kim Jung Gi was a very popular. artist.  He was invited by many countries to draw in front of them. He not only was good in perspective and relative sizing but he managed to see the Fresnel Rings and made a practice of drawing them. Some say he had fish perspective abilities.

He is no more now.

Well, well, well. Let me talk about myself.

Currently I have decent fidelity in making lines and arcs. And I have decent triangular theory and practice  backing my perspective.

I shall aim for Kim Jung Gi in far future.

Wish to draw like Brokendraw

 I am inspired by Brokendraw over internet. His lessons are invaluable. I one day wish to draw like him.

Have a nice day !!

Friday, January 31, 2025

Drawings Today

 Car Keys

Jaipur Camel Toy

Sphere on normal A4 paper

I shall be continuing drawing objects in front of me for three months at least. I shall also be doing practice exercises to improve lines, curves, mirror images and perspective for three months. I shall later after three months, shall do comic drawings. This is my plan.

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Drawings today

 Khaini packet

Making Comics book

Sai Baba statue

I am doing these days drawing objects in front of me, because almost all the masters preach this practice because it improves line quality and many other qualities in art.

And thus, I believe that this should be my immediate objective.

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Monday, January 27, 2025

The red cross set of vanishing points

Many people find it difficult to render hands. You need to be clear of anatomy, dimensions and perspective. 

I was thinking on perspective of hands. After intense workout with all my golden ratio abilities,  I came to a result that the set of vanishing points for hand drawing is similar to a red cross. It is three dimensional.

The red is set of vanishing points. The green is hands.

Try to imagine in the above way if it helps.  

May God heal us. The hands are of Jesus. May the father be with us.

Saturday, January 25, 2025

To the point


Now a complete drawing. Perspective. 3d. Shadows. Light highlights.

Friday, January 24, 2025

To the point


Perspective Drawing for Comics

I want to include perspective too for comics. But am not. At present.

This is because, I might be making basic mistakes. And I do not want to continue with mistakes. Instead, I shall be trying to get into a team of comic artists.

Both the above have been drawn on Clip Studio Paint. 

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Sai Baba

 I have a marble statue of Sai Baba.

Following Giovanni Civardi, my master, I plan to practise shading by vertical lines, horizontal lines and two diagonal lines only.

The above work is done in Clip Studio Paint.

Saturday, January 4, 2025

Edwards Deming and Phil Crosby

I have taken up comics over Tapas. 

I hope to be guided by Edwards Deming and Phil Crosby.  PDCA and conformance to requirements. Quality improvement and focus on simple comics.

My practices. 

Edwards Deming and Phil Crosby are quality gurus. Their principles guide me.

Do they inspire you ?